Friends of the Museum

The Southend Pier  Museum was founded in 1985 by the Friends of Southend Pier Museum which became the Southend Pier Museum Foundation.

By becoming a new friend of the Southend Pier Museum Foundation Trust Ltd you would be helping to ensure the future of Southend Pier and Southend Pier Museum.

Free Entry

Currently closed

until Easter

Friends of Museum Benefits

Friends receive up to four newsletters a year keeping them informed about events at the Pier Museum and containing articles of interest.

Examples can be read here.

They are also are invited to any Southend Pier Museum related talks , films or presentations. Friends receive 10% discount on all Museum purchases.

If you wish to become a friend of Southend Pier Museum then please complete the  electronic application form or download the form

Annual Fee

Adult                     10.00

Junior (5 to15)       5.00

Inside Car 22